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.: What does Google know about you - 9th Apr 2021

"Google knows almost everything about you. Learn how Google embed their products into our daily lives and collect different types of information from us legally...."

.: What the app privacy investigation means to you (FAQ) - 6th Apr 2011

"Federal prosecutors are looking into whether mobile application makers, advertisers, and mobile app store owners are violating the law when it comes to transmitting users' personal data. But what's it all mean for average consumers? The investigation appears to be prompted by a report published by The Wall Street Journal in December that evaluated 101 popular mobile apps..."

.: Sites hit in massive web attack - 5th Apr 2011

"Hundreds of thousands of websites appear to have been compromised by a massive cyber attack. The hi-tech criminals used a well-known attack vector that exploits security loopholes on other sites to insert a link to their website. Those visiting the criminals' webpage were told that their machines were infected with many different viruses..."

.: Millions of emails exposed in major security breach - 4th Apr 2011

"A major security breach exposed countless customer emails for a growing list of companies, including TiVo, JPMorgan Chase, Citi, Capital One, Marriott Rewards, Walgreens and more. Epsilon, the world's largest permission-based email marketing services company, released a statement reporting an unauthorized entry in its clients' customer database on Friday. Email addresses and customer names were obtained..."

.: Facebook Prepares to Add Friends in Washington - 29th Mar 2011

"Facebook is trying to establish a presence in the nation's capital so it will be better prepared to fight future battles on issues like privacy. Barely seven years after it was born in a Harvard dorm room, Facebook, as much as any other company, is redefining the notion of privacy and transforming communications, media and advertising in the Internet age..."
[NY Times]

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